Thursday 21 November 2013

William Wordsworth: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

Upload your Photo Story to the conference in Ludus. Write here:

1. Why did you pick the lines you picked?
2. What aspects of the poem did you consider in your choice of pictures?
3. How did you manage to convey the Romantic conventions of poetic language?


  1. 1. because the lines in the poem describes the action that tells whats going on in the poem
    2. we considered the many descriptions and personifications. these were the ones we brought to life with using pictures that describes these different personifications
    3. we used voiceover to convey the romantic conventions

  2. 1. We misunderstood the assignment, we simply just chose the lines represented in the poem.

    2. The funny aspect.... (See answer 1.)

    3. EHHHHHhhhh....... See answer 1. and 2.

  3. 1. the lines we chose, shows the action and the dualism in the poem.
    2. We chose "Wanderer over the sea of mist" because it shows the man observing nature, and it is from the periode of Romanticism in Britain. The picture of a daffodil field because, well, he talks about doffodils - and the picture of the milky way...-||-
    3. We chose to focus on the theme dualism, and for every line we chose we talked about how the poet makes himself the observer, who creates the dualism.
