Thursday, 24 April 2014

Macbeth: After the murder

Read act 2, scene 4 in groups of three.

Note down and explain everything in the scene which indicates evil, confusion, the supernatural...

You may relate your findings to the description of the night of the murder from act 2, scene 3 (Lennox' description)

Don't forget to post your names!


  1. • Sore night
    • Bloody stage
    ○ Clever reference to the play, and a comment on that life is but a stage
    • Strangles the travelling lamp
    • That darkness does the face of earth…
    • Was by a mousing owl hawked and killed
    ○ Supernatural
    § The nature is ominous and gives the old man a foresight of things to come
    § Nature is a part of human nature, and shifts according to the change in the play
    • Make war with mankind
    • Bloody deed
    • Suspicion of the dead

    - Ross questions the fact that the servant has killed Duncan
    ○ Gives Malcolm the clues that indicate that it wasn’t the sons or the servant who killed Duncan

  2. How come Shakespeare finds it necessary to point these things out again and again? Why would it be relevant for the audience?

  3. Nicoline, Sebastian I, Christian L.

    Ross says: “By th’ clock ‘tis day, and yet dark night strangles the travelling lamp.” – Confused nature, doesnt know if it should be day or night.

    Old man says: “A falcon, tow’ring in her pride of place, Was by a mousing owl hawked and killed.” – Nature is confused again, animals who are not supposed to kill each starts to kill each other.

    Ross says: “ ‘Gainst nature still!” – Humans start to realize that the nature is acting strange.

    Old man says: “That would make good of bad and friends of foes.” This line reminds of the witches in act 1 scene 1, where they say “Fair is foul and foul is fair.” This means that there is a clear connection between the confusion of nature and the witches.

  4. Note down and explain everything in the scene which indicates evil, confusion, the supernatural...
    p. 27, l 11 ca. An ordinary owl killed a falcon.
    p. 27, l. - Duncans horses suddenly turned wild, and some say, they ate each other
    p- 27 - And even though its daytime, dark night consumes the day.

    Tracy, Daniel, Maria

  5. Because of the order of nature. If the order is reversed then the whole order of things will be thrown in to chaos. The witches control the nature, and are the link between nature and "man".
    Nature is on this time the only thing you can depend on, and when nature is "acting" up their whole world view will shake beneath them.
