Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Senator Barack Obama's Announcement for President

This post is created for your notes on the Obama speech from Springfield, IL. You must post notes and ideas that can be of use to your fellow students when writing their paper on the speech. The blog posts will count as a writtten assignment in itself so don't forget to write the names of all the members of your group!


  1. Senator Barack Obama’s Announcement for President: Page 74-77
    Sponsorship effect: Martin Luther King (page 76, line 23) and Lincoln (page 76, line 5). + P.76L.23 + p76 L.33

    Last paragraph on page 76 =
    Use of anaphora + antithesis (function to unite)

    P76L. 5 = Standing in front of the old capitol building in Springfield = Refers to the Lincoln speech where he called for the divided house to stand together = Ethos + logos

    P. 75 L. 29: Use of a polyptoton to stress the fact that we can agree to disagree and the only way forward is through the democratic process

    P77. L30: The use of the check metaphor is a tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King and a call not stand idly by and let corporate America run the country as the former government did.

    P. 76L: 10: Uses his lack of experience as an advantage in the ways of changing Washington.
    Washington hasn’t corrupted him yet. Makes him stand out.
    Uses the pronoun I to let people know he is talking about himself.

    P75+P76: Changes between “we” and “me” to give the impression that he is one of them (the audience)

    P77.L15: The use of “we´ve been told” is a referral to the government lying to the people, and that the people have accepted the lie. But no more! A promise of change.

    P74.L10: Excessive use of antitheses = Unites the audience and brings hope.

    Written by Nicolaj, Frederik Emil, Casper, Rasmus, Mie og Nadia

  2. Group 4 (Daniel, Amir, Christian, Anne Mette & William)

    Obama makes use of a certain anaphor several times: “Lets / let us”, introducing numerous paragraphs and sentences with a strong unifying alignment. The us serves to emphasize the almost symbiotic relationship between a president and his people, that he is incapacitated, perhaps even completely powerless, without them.
    Page 80, line 31-34, he calls upon the ethos of Lincoln (Sponsorship effect) by quoting him. By aligning his quest with Lincoln’s, he strengthens his integrity.
    Page 81, line 13, Obama mentions the past and future, making use of an antithesis, which here serves to expand his message beyond time, making it applicable to any given period or generation.

  3. Group 1: Tracy, Celina, Nicki, Debbie & Mia

    P 74 L1-2 Humble and honored "thank you so much"x2 L1-2.
    P 74 L1 God - sponsorship effect.
    P 74 L6-7 cold, fired up
    P 74 L13-14 war, peace. Despair, hope.
    P 74 L 12-13 "in the face of…" Anaphora.
    P 74 L19-27: The American dream. Sponsorship effect: God.
    P 74 L26-27 "that I might play a small part in building a better America" Ethos. He doesn't want to be president for the power, but for building a better America. He comes off as a good person. The poor might vote for him because he was once like them, he can understand them.

    P75 L5-7 He can do better. (the politicians priorities are wrong)
    P 75 L8-9 Pathos when refering to children.
    P 75 11-12 "Christian faith" Sponsorship effect - God.
    P 75 P 15 "Law school" - Ethos.
    P 75 L17 "Cilvil rights lawer" - ethos
    P 75 L 19 " Liberty and equality" - Declaration of independence.
    P 75 L 24-26 "All of them" anaphora
    P 75 L 24-25: Everyone have a story to tell, and he is telling his now. - all are equal.
    P 75 L 26-27 - the friendships - Ethos
    P 75 L 29 disagree, disagreeable - polyptoton
    P 75 L32-33 best, worst - antithesis. + Pathos
    P 75 L35-38 "thats why"x4 Anaphora.
    P 75 L40 north, south, east, west - antihesis.

    P76 L5 Lincoln - sponsorship effect - Ethos.
    P76 L 5 "stand together" pathos.
    P76 L17-19 "in the face of…"x3 anaphora.
    P76 L21-23 "we"
    P76L23 king - sponsorship effect.
    P76 L26-27 called, call polyptoton
    P76 L26-27 - unity.
    P 76 L32: Lincon sponsorship effect
    P76 L32-33 "he had his"x3 anaphora
    P76L37-38 north, south, slave, free, men, women antihesis
    P76 L41 "as one people - as Americans" - pathos.

    P77L4-5 "we/we've"
    P77L8-9 "what's stopped us"x2 anaphora

  4. Group 2; Daniel Alexander, Susanne, Frederik Damgaard, Sarah.


    P.74,L.1-3: Sponsorship effect “Praise and honor to God for bringing us together today” – He uses God to catch the attention of America, because the most of Americans are deep down religious. He does this because he wants the Americans to feel united and as one people. This indicates the use of pathos, which is emotionally.
    The antithesis “Cold-Fired” gives the feeling of something good is about to happen, so he uses the appeal of Ethos.
    P.74,L.12-14: “In the face…” – He uses this anaphora to make his point about building a better union. He talks about facing problems and decisions, not just to think about it but face them, and that gives the people a feeling of personal battles and conquers. The problems of the nation they have to overcome, for example the war or the financial crisis are also central themes of this anaphora.
    P.74,L.20-25: In this paragraph, he talks to the people as the people. He had an ordinary job which makes him civilized. This makes the people relate to him, and in the paragraph he uses negative descriptions, and he says that he has been in tough situations as well.
